Direct to the Society's Bank either online or in branch:
NatWest Bank Plc
1-2 Finsbury Square
London EC2A
Account No: 28043405
Sort Code: 60-08-23
London Islamic Cultural Society
c/o Sister B.R. Khan (President)
9 Willoughby Road
London N8 0HR
Cheque made
payable to LICS
Gift Aid
Gift Aid increases the value of donations by 25%. Which is claimed from HMRC on donations you make.
The masjid has standing order forms which you can complete and take to your bank
You can donate online with your credit card by clicking bellow button.
Help us to maintain and develop the wide range of services we offer. Prophet Muhammad ï·º said: “Allah said: ‘Spend, O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you.’”

Abdool Alli, March 2018
“I am grateful and thankful to the Lord for the opportunity he has given to me and that I could help not only myself and family but many others”
“Try to follow the Humanitarian way of life – we are Muslims – yes but there is a wider community and therefore we must live within that community. Whether who it is we must help”
“For the benefit of all people.”
"Whosoever makes a Mosque for the sake of Allah, Allah makes a house for him in paradise." (Sahih Muslim 533)
The saying of the Prophet (saw): "Spending charity does not decrease wealth"
The London Islamic Cultural Society is totally self financing. The society receives no grants or income from any external body. Finances are generated through valuable donations, membership and fund raising events.
Just before March 2018 the Society had the sum of £98,000 outstanding Al hamdu lillah during Ramadan everyone worked hard to free the Mosque by giving donations and making pledges. Almighty Allah has blessed our efforts and together we have raised the entire sum outstanding – so that our wonderful Mosque/Cultural Centre is now free! All praises are for Almighty Allah, the All-Knowing, the Wise, and the Supreme Creator.
The Mosque still needs to raise funds for maintenance, and for some additional outstanding repairs work, so please continue to make your generous donations.
Now that the Mosque is free, this progressive Society can look ahead to the other projects needed by the Ummah – such as facilities to bathe the dead, provisions for our elderly [LICS Muslim Care Home], not to mention the urgent need to provide leisure and recreational facilities for our youths in order to keep them in an Islamic environment.
Let us work together to improve and build on our unique and wonderful Society.